Write_On in 2018

Make giving back a part of your 2018 resolution


Is your New Year’s resolution to do more for others? There are so many ways to achieve that: by physically being there for those who need a shoulder, writing letters of comfort and support, or offering financial aid. We’ve created this guide to get you started-

Write For Good

It truly is a win-win. Research shows that letter-writing and receiving promotes physical and mental benefits. It’s the perfect time to pick up that pen and make it a habit, and don’t just stop at friends and family, find resources and inspiration for making human connections beyond your personal network on our Write_On page. More Love Letters is just one of our highlighted non-profits that uses social media to write and mail letters to strangers all over the world who need love and support.

The Power is in the pen!

In 2017, millions of Americans put ink to action in order to amplify their voices. The Ides of Trump encouraged people to speak out, stating "So sharpen your wit, unsheathe your writing implements, and write from the heart". The Women’s March asked its followers to reach out to Senators about specific issues in order to stand up for policy issues that protect our rights. Countless artists and organizations offered up free printable postcards to enable letter-writers and change-makers alike. In a time where social media and technology is the cornerstone of communication, there’s never been more validity in an envelope.

Hello!Lucky has written a craft book that inspires youth to use their creativity to get involved in community service and civic action. Find out more about Be The Change here.



Though giving back doesn’t have to mean opening your wallet, you’ll find endless organizations to pick from if you wish to go that route.

Choosing a charity doesn’t have to be daunting. For example, you can support something you enjoy every day by donating to your public radio system or maybe a specific podcast. You can also visit sites like Give Well for a list of surefire non-profits to donate to.

Before you write a check, we encourage you to do your homework by using resources like Guide Star or Charity Watch to find out where your money is going.

Here’s a list of Charities we love:

In Kind Donations

Looking for ways to help in your hometown and beyond by donating goods? While you’re purging 2017, you might consider dropping supplies and belongings at homeless shelters, relief services, and local schools. Teachers are always in need of basic school supplies, so donating a few things could really help increase opportunities for youth. Most schools receive a surplus of supplies at the beginning of the school year, but run low around this time. Not sure what to donate? Here’s an easy guide.

Alternatively, you can offer your skills in lieu of tangible goods. Online services like Catchafire can help you match your professional background to a relevant cause.

Products that give back

Would you like to be a more conscious consumer? Some of your favorite brands have products that give back to causes you love. At Egg Press, the Goods for Good section donates 100% of the proceeds to organizations that fight for our basic human rights. At Hello!Lucky, “Ginny’s Collection” gives a portion of proceeds to The Nature Conservancy, and donates 100% of proceeds from the Wild Feminist pin to Planned Parenthood, and Stay Woke pin to The ACLU. Toms, Warby Parker, STATE bags, and Patagonia are also notorious for their philanthropic commitment. Look into apps/extensions like Orange Harp and DoneGood to keep you on your toes and to discover sustainable and ethical companies.


Have resources or ideas for how we at Write_On can give back? Write a comment, we’d love to hear from you!

Good luck in the New Year, and remember every little bit counts!