+ More Love Letters - A global organization using the power behind social media to write and mail letters to strangers all over the world.

+ Love for the Elderly - A group dedicated to providing love and appreciation to elderly people who may not have family to care for them. You are invited to write a kind letter to an elderly person, and Love for the Elderly will deliver it to a senior in need of a little love.

+ Sending Love Campaign - This Instagram driven campaign is all about getting more snail mail in to the mailboxes of elderly and shut-ins. Anyone who participates can share their stories with the hashtag #sendinglovecampaign, and the stories will be shared on the Instagram page @dakotalifecraftworks, which is where the campaign started.

+ Sunshine Snail Mail - Join Sunshine Snail Mail in sending cards to kids (and sometimes adults), who could use a smile. Most of these kids are battling life-threatening illness, or have suffered great loss. Their stories, photo, and addresses to send snail mail to can be found on their Facebook page.

+ From the Heart - This Facebook community dedicated to spreading good cheer to the elderly through cards of all types. Addresses are published and updated directly on their Facebook page so you can mail letters directly to those in need.

+ Braid Mission - Their Cards of Hope program sends cards to local group homes and facilities that house youth who are separated from loved ones.

+ Joshua 1:9 Mission - Join this non-profit’s effort to bring joy to those battling cancer, by making and sending cards. Joshua 1:9 Mission collects and sends cards weekly to cancer patients around the country.

+ The Letter Project - This faith-based non-profit sends letters to girls around the world who are in need of love, support and encouragement. Learn more here. 

+ Letters to Strangers - Founded in October, 2013, Letters to Strangers (L2S) focuses on using letter-writing to share vulnerability with strangers as a way to make mental health accessible. This youth-for-youth model’s team and target demographic are made up of 13- to 24-year-olds. Learn more here and see how you can get involved with their work.

+ Stay Gold Society’s Holiday HappyMail - Holiday HappyMail program brings joy to the elderly by distributing handmade holiday cards and letters to seniors in long-term care homes. Each card is designed and created by people just like you, and features a kind, handwritten messages that can brighten a senior’s holiday. Connect with the group on Facebook or visit their website for more information on how to get involved.