The Art of Correspondence

Last year, Kirk and Eva Jorgensen of Sycamore Street Press formed N Ø R R film with Jenner Brown and Meta Coleman. Together, they made a short film that explores the art of correspondence. They wanted to celebrate the art of sending hand-written letters. There's something so intimate about receiving a tangible letter. The feel, the smell, the words... Sometimes you can say more in a letter than you could even say in person.

Designer Q&A: People I've Loved

I have a box. One where when I am feeling down, I go to. It has all of my old love letters, letters from my parents, from my grandparents, etc. I feel like a bit of their being/energy has been transferred to this bit of paper that I am soothed by almost like they were holding me.

We sat down with Carissa of People I've Loved and asked her a few questions about how she got started and where she see the future of letter-writing heading. Be sure to check out the rest of our Designer Q&As after this. 

Write_On: Tell us about yourself!  What’s your background and what drew you to design cards and stationery?

Carissa: Both Heather and I have backgrounds in conceptual art, basically we were taught to think about content before beauty. I don’t know I agree with that anymore totally, but I started to think about how stationarity could be like little mini performance art works. IE we could design interactions that would at heart bring people closer together. I think I have been a person who often feels lost and alone, and made work to express that. It was a natural next step, to make objects that would help promote community, relationships and communication - communicating is something I need help with all the time.

Write_On: How would you describe your design aesthetic?

Carissa: Like a four-year old could do it. With content that you might not want to tell your mother about. But I tell my mother most everything, so maybe that is not so true.

Write_On:  How do you use your designs to inspire people to connect in writing?

Carissa: They are all pretty much prompts (verbal and visual) to express gratitude, open up to someone, to make you feel good about life, hopefully. I like to think that we use personal experiences as representations of universal human emotions/feelings.

Write_On:  What does your process look like for creating a new card or stationery design?

Carissa: Depends on the day. And if the sun is shining. Journaling. Talking it out. Then painting, drawing, then scanning the drawing, then printing film, then making plates, then printing! FINALLY. My gosh.

Write_On: How have hand-written letters shaped your life and relationships?

Carissa: I have a box. One where when I am feeling down, I go to. It has all of my old love letters, letters from my parents, from my grandparents, etc. I feel like a bit of their being/energy has been transferred to this bit of paper that I am soothed by almost like they were holding me.

Write_On: What do you find most difficult about writing a letter?

Carissa: Spelling.

Write_On: What does your letter-writing practice look like?

Carissa: Mine, at this point in my life is mainly about being thankful. Since I don’t live close to any of my family members it is about maintaining our connection over vast amounts of space and time.

Write_On: Modern times have made digital correspondence increasingly available and convenient. Why is it important for people to send handwritten cards and letters?

Carissa: For me, it is a feelling. Even tho I am a computer user, I still love stuff. I love touching things, smelling things, and seeing colors in real life.

Write_On: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received about letter-writing?

Carissa: I am not sure I have received any advice. Mainly that I just love receiving stuff in the mail and I love sending stuff. It is so magical.

Write_On:  What’s the next letter you’re planning to write?

Carissa: To my grandmother. I try to write her once a week. Her health has been in question as of late. She is my special person. I always felt like I connected with her in a way that I could with no one else. She made me feel safe, loved, and beautiful. I was so upset when I found out that all of my cousins feel the same way about her. Can one person be so special to many? I suppose so, but I don’t have to like it.

Q&A with Future Stella, I Love You

While emojis are awesome and I hope to one day be fluent in them so I can communicate with my future child, they are not a replacement for our actual feelings for the ones in our lives we care the most about.

We sat down with Shelby Cowell, author of Future Stella, I love You, an online diary of letters written for her daughter with the intentions of being read in 20 years. We asked her a few questions about what inspired her to start writing to future Stella and the importance of it.

Write_On:  How did you get the idea to start writing letters to Stella? What was the first letter you ever wrote to her? 

Shelby:  I started writing to her because I have always been curious about my own childhood and what went on day to day. For instance, I would pay serious coin to see what the inside of our fridge looked like when I was 5.  My mom doesn't remember that stuff at all and I thought Future Stella would love to read about the details of her early life authentically and not through the edited stories that happen when many years have passed. My first letter I wrote to her was in November of 2013 and I described to her in detail what a typical lazy Sunday looked like with Current Stella and her morning routine.  I also told her about some words that she can't say properly that make me laugh (tum instead of tongue).  Even now,  when I read the letter the details are not fresh and many have been forgotten so I know it would have never made it to the future.

Write_On:  Your letters are hilarious. What is your writing process like? Where do you find your inspiration? When and where do you write, and how often do you write?

Shelby:  First of all thank you, but honestly, you can't make this stuff up!  Kids are hilarious.  I dedicate Tuesdays to writing and I usually start by flipping through my camera on my phone to remind me of the past week's moments. I like to write at a night with a glass of wine but sometimes thats not realistic so I write wherever.  There is a coffee shop near my house that for whatever reason, gets my juices flowing like nowhere else.  Most weeks there are too many funny things to include all of it, so I would say Im never short on material.  Our family dynamic is pretty funny and I have a husband that cracks me up and his relationship with Current Stella is so damn delicious that I feel compelled to document it.

Write_On:  It seems like your letters are as much for you as they are for her. How have your letters helped you gain perspective on being a parent? 

Shelby:  You pretty much nailed it on the head.  First of all, just writing out some of the fights we have gotten in has been like therapy.  Suddenly, I see where she was coming from or where I could have handled it better for next time.  Its also kind of a big deal to write things about someone you care about that not only is getting put on the internet, but will be re-read by the adult you are typing about. 

Write_On:  What is the hardest thing about writing letters to Stella?

Shelby:  Lately, it has been hard for me to be authentic knowing other people are reading the letters.  Strangers are fine, but a lot of my family reads them religiously and I want to bitch to Future Stella about my family and I can't because I know they will read it.  I now have a journal I keep by my bed where I write her an actual letter filled with the family gossip.  The goal is for Stella to end up my best friend and so I can't leave out the fact that Grandma actually drives me insane.  Thats just not what friends do.

Write_On:  What was your letter-writing habit like before you started writing to Stella?  Has the project inspired you to write letters to anyone else?

Shelby:  Ha.  I never wrote letters, ever.  When I was in high school I would write our family's Christmas letter and people still talk about them.  Even back then, producing highly sarcastic material that was equally sentimental was my jam.  I can't ever just say I love someone without roasting them first.  It's kind of my specialty. That's essentially what I am doing to Stella. 
My blog has not inspired me to write anyone else letters, but you guys have!  I used all the cards in my write_on gift bag and it felt so good.  Its definitely going to be a regular thing for me.  

Write_On:  When do you think you'll start reading the letters to her?  How do you think she'll respond?

Shelby:  Future Stella is slated to read the first one in 2035. She will be 25.  The 20's are just a mess and I hope the letters help her navigate through it. My intention is for her to get a kick out of it, truly understand my deep love for her, and recognize components of her personality that have been consistent since she was little so she can really own them.  So far, her sense of humor is not exactly what I would call dry or sarcastic so I am a bit worried she will be offended and not get it. 

Write_On:  What advice would you give to someone who is looking to start writing more letters?

Shelby:  Don't put them on the internet!  Just kidding. Kind of. Writing a letter to someone you care about is so meaningful.  I looked back at my text messages to my dad, who happens to be my personal hero, and our conversation has been reduced to emojis and one word responses.  This is my hero!!! While emojis are awesome and I hope to one day be fluent in them so I can communicate with my future child, they are not a replacement for our actual feelings for the ones in our lives we care the most about.  Only our words on paper can convey it and writing it down is the only way to make it last forever. 

More on her blog-

Write_On Challenge Update: Adidas

It’s been such a great feeling to bring a stack to mail out every few days!

This year Adidas is taking the Write_On challenge and we checked in with some of the participants to see how it's going!

They broke into teams of 5. The team that writes the most letters in a month wins a prize bag. People have been sending emails to each other to check in on how many letters they have written and give encouragement.

Rachel is a designer at Adidas and this is her 3rd year taking the Write_On challenge. She's gaining steam! The first year she'd written 11 and then 18. This year she's shooting for 30 or more. 

"I like to write letters in groups. I sit and make a list of people to write and write 5-10 at a time. I really find the time to be soothing and get me out of my daily stresses. It always feels good to send them off; like little floating wishes that arrive at people’s doorsteps. It feels a bit magical and mysterious. I find the campaign to be a time to reconnect and start communication again with dear friends I have lost touch with. In that sense it has been good."

Amanda is another avid letter-writer and on an opposing team to Rachel's. She told us that "one of my new year’s resolutions for 2016 was to write more letters, and my goal has been to write 10 a month, which seemed like a lot, but I’ve found I enjoy it so much I tend to send even more than that."

Nice work Adidas! We get the sense that a little friendly competition helps to keep the letters going and we hope more companies will see the many values in making letter-writing a part of their culture.

Letter Writing Saturdays with PapaLlama

Writing letters and sending cards has this amazing, quite literal way of connecting humans to humans.

We chatted with Risa Culbertson from PapaLlama to find out how she ended up in printmaking and why she created Letter writing Saturdays! Find out more about Letter Writing Saturdays here.

Write_On: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Risa: My name is Risa, and I’m the creator and printer behind PapaLlama. My line is designed, created, and printed here in my letterpress studio in sunny San Francisco (I don’t know where that fog went). I’m mischievous by nature and also a hugger.  I’m extremely good at taking knots out. I prefer waffles over pancakes, and donuts over everything.

Write_On: What is your first stationery memory? 

Risa: Stationery was a big part of my life from the get go. My mom is Japanese, and so half of my family was on the other side of the planet. Letters to and from Japan were always in our mailbox. I remember watching my mom as she sat with a cup of coffee, writing to her friends and family. Letter writing became important in my life during my summer vacations as a kid in the middle of nowhere Japan, a.k.a. my grandma’s house. My best friend, Kiki, and I would write one another all summer long. It was before cell phones and emails so we wrote pages of random information and doodles of what was happening in each other’s worlds. They were always something to look forward to, and writing them was just as fun.  

Write_On:  Favorite part about being a Stationery Boss?

Risa: My favorite part of being a Stationary Boss is finding my own voice and using it to be a part of a larger human connection.  I like making things that help others express themselves, especially those who don’t really connect with what’s available at their local drug store. It makes me happy to nourish both the snarky but sweet sides of life so that we can all get a good laugh in...because let's face it, life is too serious sometimes! It's rewarding to think that my designs can pass on a message, which then someone can also add their own personal thought. It's sort of like a secret collaboration. 

Write_On:  How did you get your start in the stationery game? 

Risa: The truth is that printmaking found me.  I had no prior experience with printing and never in a million years thought that I would have a stationery line. I didn’t even really know how to print or that there were printing presses, so in the beginning I was printing everything by hand.  There was definitely a learning curve going from using my hand as a baren to my Heidelberg windmill now.  Essentially PapaLlama started out with one lino cut card, inspired by my friend’s over excessive use of the phrase, “awesome sauce."  I was working at a store called Nest here in San Francisco, and the owners got a kick out of it and told me to put some cards out. I did, and they sold, much to my surprise! I made more, and those sold, and so on and so forth and that started this whole adventure. 

Write_On: What does writing letters/cards mean to you? 

Risa: Writing letters and sending cards has this amazing, quite literal way of connecting humans to humans. Time is something that has become harder and harder to find in our busy lives, so the pure inconvenience of whole thing is something that is really special. It takes time to form thoughts & write your letter, it takes time to get it to the destination, to then write back, and ultimately, receive the response.  You get to take your time and build layers of ideas and depth that just doesn’t seem to happen via text; conversations can last for letters and days and years. The writing and reading of letters helps me see things differently, savor moments, and give that person special time and attention. 

Write_On: What is Letter Writing Saturday? 

Risa: Letter Writing Saturday is an all day writing space that occurs every Saturday. I wanted to create a spot where people (myself included) could start making the habit of writing a letter. Supplies are provided including paper, envelopes, Sakura pens, a typewriter, and stamps! All you have to do is show up, sit, and write. The end. Oh, yeah, and put down your phones! 

Write_On:  Do you have some favorite testimonials on what Letter Writing Saturday means for those who attend? 

Risa: I’m a sucker for a good love story. I’ve had regulars who come in and continue to write back and forth love letters to their sweethearts. One woman, in a long distance romance, writes in between dates as a way to get to know one another better, and I just love that I can witness her journey.

Write_On: What do you like best about Letter Writing Saturday? 

Risa: I get a kick out of watching kids write a letter, or use the typewriter for the first time. Seeing them get in to the process of writing, thinking about who to write to, what to write, choosing the right paper and pen is really fun to watch and hopefully, leave wanting to write more letters! Who knows, maybe they will feel inspired to express themselves via pen to paper more often. 

Write_On:  How do you hope Write_On can help people connect? 

Risa: I think the Write_On challenge is going to be a great way for people to not only connect, or reconnect, with their friends and family but also gain a possible fantastic experience for themselves. Commitment to a challenge of any sort results in our learning more about ourselves and reinforces what we’re capable of, maybe even more than we realized.  I, for one, am up for and excited for the challenge!

Blog post by Sakura of America

Using Vintage Ephemera in Letter Writing

Hello! My name is Julia Neises and I am the lady behind Eva Moon Press. I got my start by working at neighboring letterpress shops in Berkeley, California. Now, I live with my husband in Portland, Oregon and run my business out of a tiny room in our home. The work I do includes graphic design for small businesses, stationery design, styling, and selling collections of ephemera.

I first caught the ephemera spark when I was introduced to traditional letterpress printing. But it was just last year when my in-laws gave me two giant boxes of my husband’s childhood stamp collection that really led me to stamp and ephemera collecting. Pouring over all the stamps in each glassine envelope, drawer, and album and learning about their origins brought together all my years of print production, design, and a general curiosity about the world. Since then, I have attempted to better organize the collection and add to it where I can. While I have a lot to learn about the ins-and-outs of philately, I find such delight in sharing my collection and learning from others.

Antique shops and vintage paper fairs are my favorite sources for finding materials. I love chatting with shop proprietors and dealers and hearing the history of the pieces they are selling. I am learning that if I take the time to listen, other collectors have a lot of knowledge to share! At vintage paper fairs, dealers are generally interested to know what you collect so it’s handy to keep a wish list. My wish list always includes airmail labels and first day covers, postcards of post offices, and post office labels from other countries.  

The materials I collect come in handy not just for design inspiration when working on a branding project, but also in letter-writing: 

- I love adding vintage post office labels to letters and envelopes. (Tip: Wrapping labels around an edge is a fun way to add interest on each side of a piece.)

- In addition to using the appropriate mint postage, I occasionally add a cancelled vintage stamp to an envelope for added color and texture. 

- I’m really drawn to airmail ephemera (I love stripes and primary colors, so it’s a perfect match) and collect airmail labels in lots of languages. When putting together an ephemera swap or letter for a pen pal, I will often include a vintage label from their country or a place they’ve traveled to. It’s fun to match pieces of my collection to people I know.

- Saving interesting package is a good way to mix old and new ephemera. I recently bough some seeds from Floret, a great flower farm in Washington, and their beautifully designed seed envelopes have worked their way into my letters! 

Because I correspond with about 20 different people across the world on a regular basis, it’s not easy to pin-point favorite letters sent and received. I am continually delighted by the creativity of my friends!

The favorite letters that do come to mind are in two categories: Ongoing missives and a special occasion. My first memory of receiving mail is a valentine sent from my grandparents when I was child (my grandpa has the best cursive!). They love receiving mail, so now I send them pretty postcards of things I know they will like with little notes about what I’m up to. For the special occasion, I created a paper booklet that unfolded with four pockets for my pen pal Victoria Vu’s birthday. Victoria and I share a love of paper and gardening, so I filled the pockets with vintage ephemera that I knew she would like. 

Polly, my dear friend and pen pal (we both live in Portland and are still pen pals!) is the queen of tucking sweet little treasures into her letters to me. Her generous spirit overflows into everything she does—even in the mail! She has a great eye for color and I love the way she combines old and new materials. One of my favorite pieces from her is a very simple white card with a vintage Canadian stamp on front and wrapped with delicate orange thread. So inspiring! 

Photos by Tanya Pavlova.

Visit Julia at

Designer Q&A: Gold Teeth Brooklyn

My mom has always written me letters and cards. Anytime I traveled she would stuff a letter into my bag so I could find it later. It always made me smile.

We sat down with Jesse of Gold Teeth Brooklyn and asked her a few questions about how she got started and where she see the future of letter-writing heading. Be sure to check out the rest of our Designer Q&As after this. 

Write_On: Tell us about yourself!  What’s your background and what drew you to design cards and stationery?

Jesse: I took printmaking classes in college, including a summer studying the medium abroad in Greece, and fell in love with it. I loved everything, manipulating colors and how the ink felt on the textured cotton paper. Every little detail was magic! I was an art student, and it was important to me that I make accessible art. I didn’t see myself in the “real” art world, but I still wanted to be creative. When I started to make prints and cards I felt I could sigh in relief, there was less pressure than when you’re trying to be an artist. Ultimately, I didn’t care if my work was in a gallery or in a gift shop, as long as it was out in the world and everyone could interact with it. That's empowering!

Write_On: How would you describe your design aesthetic?

Jesse: I have fun putting a colorful and playful spin on everyday objects--I want people to smile! 

Write_On:  How do you use your designs to inspire people to connect in writing?

Jesse: I hope that people are inspired by the simplicity of my designs and objects, and that they are reminded of particular friends or family members. They might just write them!

Write_On: What does your process look like for creating a new card or stationery design?

Jesse: Usually I have an upcoming holiday that I need to create a new card for, so I'll turn to my daily surroundings for inspiration. For instance, my boyfriend wears these super old work boots that inspired me to create a Father's Day card!

Write_On: How have hand-written letters shaped your life and relationships?

Jesse: Letters force me to deeply consider the person I’m writing. They're more formal than a text or email, so I really reflect on the content before I put it down on paper. Writing a letter is like a private moment with the recipient because you're carving out time you wouldn't otherwise to think about them. 

Write_On: What do you find most difficult about writing a letter?

Jesse: There isn’t a delete button! Cards are precious. I know how much work can go into creating them, so I don’t want to write a sloppy letter inside. When I make a mistake it really bugs me! 

Write_On:  What does your letter-writing practice look like?

Jesse: I try to write letters for all the major holidays, sending girlfriends Valentine's Day cards, birthday cards throughout the year or just a letter saying that I’m thinking of you. A handwritten letter goes far. It can really make someone’s day, I know when I receive one, it definitely makes mine. Someone sat down and thought of me versus sending a 5 second text message. These days not everyone has stamps and addresses handy. You have to go that extra step and that makes it so much more special.   

Write_On: Modern times have made digital correspondence increasingly available and convenient. Why is it important for people to send handwritten cards and letters?

Jesse: Hopefully people will save their cards and letters in the way they don't save emails. If they don't, I worry that future generations won't have that sense of family history that can only be found in passed-down correspondence. Digital correspondence is wonderful, too. But we have to make time for handwritten letters.

Write_On: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received about letter-writing?

Jesse: It's not advice per se, but my mom has always written me letters and cards. Anytime I traveled she would stuff a letter into my bag so I could find it later. It always made me smile. She still sends me cards for every holiday, even Easter and Halloween. It really rubbed off on me. I hope to do this for my kids, too. 

Write_On: What’s the next letter you’re planning to write?

Jesse: I'm getting married soon, and we're sending out our save-the-dates. It's the perfect opportunity to include notes to people that I’ve been meaning to write.

Q&A with Kathy and Donovan, Letter Writers Alliance

1. Tell us about yourself!  What’s your background and what inspired you to start the The Letter Writers Alliance?

The Letter Writers Alliance exists because Kathy and I grew tired of hearing people say that they loved letters, but nobody writes them anymore. We heard it all the time, so we figured we should try to connect these people who love letter writing so they don't feel like the only ones anymore. We decided to create the Alliance to network those letter lovers together. We created a website and came up with a concept for what a membership would entail and what kind of perks came with it. That was back in the Summer of 2007 and we’ve been growing ever since.

2. Describe The Letter Writers Alliance - how does it work? How many members are there? Can you talk about the intersection of the online world and the growing interest in letter-writing?

In this era of instantaneous communication, a letter is a rare and wondrous item. The Letter Writers Alliance is dedicated to preserving this joy; neither long lines, nor late deliveries, nor increasing postal rates will keep us from our mission. With a combination of both online presence and in person gatherings we strive to give people the tools to correspond tangibly in our increasingly digital existence. As of this writing, we have over 10,000 members from all over the world. The L.W.A. offers free downloads of stationery and cards, members only products and projects, and a blog with all the goings on in the letter writing world. We also offer an optional pen pal swap between members, run contests, and have a special currency called Inklings that members can earn through community involvement and the turn in for free things. A lifetime membership is $5 plus shipping through our website and comes with a fancy member card and patch. We want to inspire you online to go offline and write more letters. We also hold Letter Socials, both the virtual and traditional varieties. The traditional socials are limited to a physical space, which is great for a fun gathering, but not great for being able to include all our members. Since we have so many International members, we saw the virtual social as a way to engage our entire membership community. The social runs for 24 hours of which you can participate in when and how you want to. To participate with the rest of the community, people can share their mail thoughts, letter photos, and mail stack by using the hashtag #LWASocial and share via Twitter and Instagram. We also broadcast live video of us writing at our studio for a couple hours. We often have a friend or two join us and we take questions and share tips. (The videos are archived on our site and YouTube. )

We love how social media, blogs, and websites are helping people get inspired to get offline and write a letter. These outlets allow us to share our joy of letter writing to the digital world and find even more people with our love of mail. Thanks to active forums for mail like Postcrossing and the broader reach of something like Instagram, the concept of letter writing is being exposed to a wider range of people. We use the digital to add value to our community, such as with the membersite, which helps us connect with our world-wide community, as well as with online events.

3. How have hand-written letters impacted your life and relationships? Why is having The Letter Writers Alliance important to you?

Letters and mail bring us great joy and that is only compounded when you can share that joy with others who really understand and feel the same. I have met the best people through the mail. I found that I started to get to know a lot more diverse people through letters. I wasn’t just interacting with my peers or my political group or people who shared an interest of mine other than writing. Moreover, I discovered that the majority of people really are genuinely nice and thoughtful. I have been given so many different opportunities through options opened up to me through relationships started with letter writing. Letters bring together an amazingly diverse group of people and I am deeply honored and enormously pleased to be a part of a community of so many interesting people. It makes me so happy that so many people share this love and are willing to share it with others.

4. What does your letter-writing practice look like? How often do you write, and what types of letters do you write most often? What do you do for inspiration and to make time and space for letter-writing?

I am always writing letters. My spare moments are dedicated to returning my mail. I have developed a number of lasting pen pal relationships through the L.W.A. and consider it my goal to return letters in short order. I carry a bag with me that has stationery, pens, and my unread mail. I don’t read a letter until I have the time to respond to it. Otherwise, I get really bogged down in mental composition. I like to be very conversational in my letters and the quick response keeps it more natural. I have a tendency in my life to overwork things; so this is a nice change of pace. I probably write about 25 letters and postcards a week. Most of those are responses to letters I have received, but I do occasionally sneak in a fan letter or a thank you or a just because note. Kathy tends to write around 5 letters a month, sticks to simple paper and fountain pens, and tends to write longer letters. Her and I really show the span of the types of letter writers there are around. I find Instagram to be a super inspirational place for letter writing, and since I am the main author on the L.W.A. blog, I’m always hunting through the wilds of the internet for all kinds of letter writing goodness.

5. Modern times have made digital correspondence increasingly available and convenient. Why is it important for people to send handwritten cards and letters?

The act of writing a letter is a gift of your time and ideas. There is a sense of connection with your own thoughts that you don’t normally get when talking or writing an email, and I think this resonates with people. There is more of a journalistic thought process occurring when writing a letter and it is amazing how many times I write things I had no idea I was feeling or even solve issues I was having just by writing it out to a pen pal. If you reach back and remember the joy from receiving a letter, something to hold, to reread, to treasure and then imagine passing that feeling on to someone else. A letter means even more today than it used to. They became mundane, but are now almost sacred artifacts. Also, letters are extremely important primary sources for our collective experience of history. I wonder a lot about what is being lost with the advent of email and text and Twitter and how much history is sacrificed to the delete key. It's a small, very small, price to pay to touch someone the way that a letter can. You start by sending them out and the reward is receiving them. A lot of people just need to take the first step; send that first letter. You have to write a letter to get a letter, is what we say.

6. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received about letter-writing?

I like to pass along that letter writing should not be a burden in your life. Every letter deserves a response, but the nature of that response is up to you. You shouldn’t feel guilty over unreturned letters. One of the best things about letters is that they don’t have expiration dates. Answer things in your own time, on your own terms. We aren’t the Letter Writing Police. We want everyone to have fun. If you get overwhelmed, try sending out a postcard instead with a “Hey, I got your letter. I’m a bit behind right now, but I hope to catch up soon.” Courtesy, kindness, and civility in conversation are all watch words for great letter writing relationships.

We get a lot of questions about the “proper”, “right”, or “best” way to write a letter. The answer isn’t that straightforward. It all depends on who you are writing to, the old adage of know your audience; a great letter to your grandmother is not the same as a great letter to your pen pal in London.  Also, embrace patience. Letters are a gift of your time. Learn to savor doing something slowly as a welcome change from the rest of your life when everything must be done yesterday.

7. When is it better to send a letter than an e-mail, phone call or text?

Letters are always better, with the one exception of trying to schedule something on a deadline. Emails are great tools. You’ve used it here to get your answers fast. I can tell you that my answers would have been different if I were handwriting this to send it back to you in the mail. The manner in which a response is made influences the nature of that response. I cannot judge whether or not one is more worthy than another, but I have definitely noticed a difference between a handwritten letter and a typed one. I don’t talk on the telephone hardly at all. If I have something important to talk about, I do it in a letter. Text and email are only for things like scheduling meetings or coordinating lists of tasks. All of my conversations are in person or on the page. Those people you message on Facebook, think of how much more impactful it would be for them to receive a real letter from you. That tweet you just sent, next time, write it down on a postcard. Make your message a part of the physical world and it will be a great deal more memorable than a few words on a screen. We always tell people that we aren't anti-email; we're just pro real-mail. Mainly, we just want people to write more letters.

8. What’s the next letter you’re planning to write?

I have two pen pal letters waiting for responses; one to California, one to Canada. I need to send a thank you for a donation. Oh, and I remembered that I forgot to answer a question in a letter about a particular type of material; so I plan to send samples of that material off to that pen pal. (It’s this crazy rayon mesh intended for origami that I use in mail art collage.) Lastly, I have an Inkling to award. A member in England sent a letter with a link I’m going to share on the blog; since it’s something for the community, they earned themselves an Inkling. We use Inklings as a way to encourage members to do more for the letter writing world, above and beyond just writing letters.

Sponsor Challenge Update: Hello!Lucky

My favorite thing is the way that it’s caused me to re-examine and re-appreciate all the people who have made a difference in my life.

We sat down with Sabrina Moyle of Hello!Lucky, a Write_On sponsor, to get a feel for how the 30 day challenge was going! Be sure to check out the rest of our Sponsor Challenge Updates after this. 

Write_On:  How many years have you participated in Write_On? 

Sabrina:  This is my third year participating - I'm the Hello!Lucky Write_On challenge representative!

Write_On:  What does your letter-writing habit usually look like? 

Sabrina: In the past it's been sporadic, but this year, it's becoming automatic and something I look forward to doing regularly.  There is just something so satisfying about writing by hand and expressing my gratitude towards someone on a beautiful card or stationery. I love it!  I try to write first thing in the morning or when I have a quiet moment in the afternoon.  I have a running list of people I want to write letters to - old friends, teachers, advisors, bosses, work colleagues, cousins, aunts, uncles, my deceased grandparents - the list goes on.  Part of my realization this year is that life is short and I want to live my life so that if I happen to get hit by a bus tomorrow, I will have left nothing left unsaid. Letters are the perfect way to do that. I tend to compose letters in my head while I'm driving my car or running errands; that way, they flow once I put pen to paper.

Write_On: How's it going? How many letters have you written? Are you trying to write daily?

Sabrina:  It's going really well. So far, I've written about 20 letters. I got warmed up by writing thank you notes for birthday gifts that my twin sons received (just my luck, their birthday is at the end of March!) - the kids dictated what they wanted to say (usually something short and sweet like "thank you for the X. It is super awesome!", and I wrote it down since they're still learning to write.  I've written letters to my college room mate, who I first met by letter; to a Facebook friend wishing her a belated happy birthday; to my cleaning lady and her daughter; to my kids' teacher; to The Mosaic Project, a non-profit I love; and to my college advisor letting her know how much she's influenced me.  I've also been including a short handwritten note of appreciation with checks for bills!  I've been writing 2-3 letters every other day.  The process has inspired me to write essays about the value of letter-writing, such as this one.  It has truly been life-changing!

Write_On:  What do you find most difficult about writing a letter?

Sabrina:  Usually it's the feeling that I "owe" someone a letter. Guilt is the biggest letter-writing blocker. When I notice that feeling, I just let it go and tell myself that no one is expecting anything - that's the beauty of writing old-fashioned letters!  I also remind myself that if I write a letter out of obligation, the recipient will feel it and I might as well just send an email or text.  The beauty of a letter is its authenticity and sincerity - it should be a joy to write and a joy to receive. 

Write_On:  What's been your favorite thing about Write_On so far? 

Sabrina:  My favorite thing is the way that it's caused me to re-examine and re-appreciate all the people who have made a difference in my life. Once I started following that thread by answering the question "Who should I write a letter to today?," the number of people I could think of was practically unending. There are so many people, from childhood to the present day, who I have enjoyed meeting, learned from, and appreciated. I would love to eventually write letters to all of them to make sure they realize what a profound influence they have had on the people they've touched.

Write_On:   How have hand-written letters shaped your life and relationships?

Sabrina:  I've had many relationships in the past where hand-written letters were pivotal. One of my first crushes in high school was someone who lived in a different city and we exchanged letters for a short time until the flame burned out. I remember to this day the smell of the paper he wrote on and the shape of his handwriting, and how exciting it was to hold and piece of paper that I knew he had held and written on. It was very intimate and romantic.  I first met my college room mate by letter, and it was the beginning of a long friendship that unfolded organically and continues to this day - it's been more than 20 years.  My grandmother was an amazing letter-writer - she used to type letters from her cottage on a lake in Minnesota, and I still have her letters - they remind me of her, and of the summers I spent there fishing, swimming and hanging out with my cousins.  My aunt, who died of cancer a few years ago, was a wonderful artist and writer. She would include make her own cards with beautiful hand made wood block prints; I have several of them framed in my house.  Through Write_On, I've been reconnecting with people who have been meant something to me, both at the time and in retrospect. I'm looking forward to deepening my relationships with old friends and acquaintances by becoming snail mail pen pals.  I feel like everyone has entered my life for a reason, and exchanging letters is a great way to explore why. There is just a level of reflection, expression and creativity that a letter provides that you can't find in email and social media. 

Write_On:   What’s the best advice you’ve ever received about letter-writing?

Sabrina: I think the biggest influence on my letter-writing practice has been scientific research on the benefits of compassion, altruism and gratitude, as discussed in books like The Compassionate MindSelf- Compassion, and Altruism.   Once I realized that compassion has benefits to individuals' health and well-being, as well as society overall, it was like a switch was flipped. Suddenly, I realized that writing letters is way to practice compassion: to send love and good vibes and to let another person know they are seen and valued. Whether it's a person I know well, or a total stranger, there is something profound about connecting on a vulnerable, intimate, human level through a handwritten letter.

Write_On:  What’s the next letter you’re planning to write?

Sabrina:  I'm planning to write a letter to the crossing guard at my kids' school - her beaming smile lights us up every morning!